Ways for you to get involved!

There are MANY ways that one may be able to assist our organization. Discover what you can do to aid us and our children by checking out the possibilities on the right or simply by scrolling down!

Make a Donation


Venmo: @Aarons-Presents

PayPal: paypal.me/aaronspresents

To donate appreciated assets like stocks and mutual fund shares: Gifts of marketable stocks or mutual fund shares that have appreciated can have an immediate impact for our programs while resulting in a favorable income tax deduction for you, based on the assets’ current value. Stock gifts are recognized at the realized value of the stock on the date of transfer.

To make a contribution to our brokerage account, please give this info to your broker and contact us, so we can confirm the transfer and provide you with an appropriate donation receipt:

DTC #0226 | Receiving DTC Brokerage Firm: Fidelity Investments

Account Name: Aaron’s Presents, Inc. | Account Number: Z40053919

Aaron’s Presents is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity under this section of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible.

Tax ID# 46-4010444.

Sponsor A Project

Welcome to the Project Sponsorship section! Here, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact by contributing to our current projects. Your support can help us bring these projects to fruition and make a difference in the world.

Your generosity plays a vital role in helping us achieve our goals and make a positive impact. We are incredibly grateful for your support and would like to express our sincere appreciation for considering a donation to our projects.

Contact us at hello@aaronspresents.org to discuss which kinds of projects you would like to support!

Create A Presents Fund!

Through creating a presents fund, you contribute to our everyday continued success!

In Loving Memory

Aaron’s Presents was created to honor the life and memory of a child by giving other children an opportunity to do something positive for the world and for their own lives. These individual acts of goodness, kindness and self-exploration are “presents” given to our communities and to the world, as well as to the children who dreamed them up, and their cumulative impact is a beautiful and tangible legacy that has been and will continue to be a source of joy and healing for years to come for Aaron’s family.

In a similar way, we would like for Aaron’s Presents to offer a means for other individuals, families and communities to honor their loved ones, whether still living or passed away. If our program could possibly bring some comfort and joy to others, that would add even more meaning to the mission and work of Aaron’s Presents.

Once your fund has been established, you can invite people to contribute to it and spread the word through various means such as social media and public notices. There is no minimum amount needed to create a Presents Fund, and your fund will never be closed except at your request, so you may add to it continuously or at specific times (e.g., annual or holiday contributions). 100% of the money in your fund will be used solely to fund program costs for projects or other opportunities.

For Corporations and Small Businesses

Are you looking for a way for your company to give back and make a difference in the lives of children in your community? What better way to foster a sense of teamwork, shared philanthropy and commitment to community than by creating a lasting, open-ended fund that will inspire and enable local children to think of others and pursue their own passions? A Presents Fund is a meaningful way to make a difference as a corporation or small business.

Once your company’s fund has been established, your employees will be able to contribute to it. There is no minimum amount needed to create a Presents Fund. If desired, you can set a company-wide goal and timeframe initially to build excitement, awareness and momentum. Then, once opened, your fund will never be closed except at your request, so your employees may add to it continuously or at specific times (e.g., annual or holiday campaigns). You can also set up a matching program, by which your company will match all contributions up to a certain limit or without a limit.

100% of the money in your fund will be used solely to fund program costs for projects or other opportunities. In our online gallery, the description of each individual project will include a label specifying that your fund made it possible.

For Individuals, Groups, Teams and Families

What better way to foster a sense of community, teamwork or family than to create a lasting, open-ended fund that will inspire and enable children to think of others and pursue their own passions? Whether you and your friends, co-workers or families are celebrating a holiday, special occasion such as a milestone birthday, overcoming a life obstacle such as an illness, the achievement of a goal, or simply many years of friendship and being together, a Presents Fund is a meaningful way to make a difference.

Once your fund has been established, your friends, relatives, teammates and other contacts will be able to contribute to it and spread the word through various means such as social media. There is no minimum amount needed to create a Presents Fund, and your fund will never be closed except at your request, so you may add to it continuously or at specific times (e.g., annual or holiday contributions). 100% of the money in your fund will be used solely to fund program costs for projects or other opportunities. In our online gallery, the description of each individual project will include a label specifying that your fund made it possible.

Existing Presents Funds

The Jason Co Thein Presents Fund

was launched in December 2021 by his family, to celebrate and spread his joy and fun-loving spirit, as well as his genuine love of children.

The Brian Pender Presents Fund

was launched in December 2020 by Brian’s loved ones to remember his strength, courage, selflessness and compassion as a son, brother, and husband.

The Dr. Alan Metwally Presents Fund

was launched in June 2014 by Dr. Metwally’s loved ones to celebrate his life and generosity by making it possible for more children to receive an Aaron’s Presents grant.

The Elizabeth Atkins Presents Fund

was launched in March 2015 by Liz’s loved ones to continue her legacy of compassion, resilience and creativity.

The Debbie Choi Tsang Presents Fund

was launched in December 2014 by Debbie’s closest friends who will always remember her as an incredibly caring, compassionate and loving person.

Barb Petricone’s Presents Fund

was launched in Nov 2014 by Barb Petricone, founder of the once-active Sequin of Kindness™ website and blog, which celebrated acts of kindness.

Engage our Alumni

We are always looking for companies, summer programs and camps, and individuals willing to offer enriching opportunities to our participants or invite a small group to come speak over a lunch meeting.

The following organizations have generously given many of our high school-aged Alumni, with a focus on those who have the least access on their own, opportunities to develop themselves and their unique qualities through new experiences, public speaking opportunities and leadership development training:


We are thrilled that you are interested in helping further our mission! Please click on each of the following volunteer positions to learn more about which one might fit your interests and goals:

  • Purpose: to identify and/or acquire project materials, online or in stores, for specific projects.

    Duties & Responsibilities: attend initial meeting between participants and project mentors (if possible/desired); shop for project materials at stores or online; select items that best suit the overall vision of the participants; make thoughtful decisions about when to prioritize cost and quality; request discounts ahead of time; print coupons.

    Time requirements: 1+ hour per week.

    Skills and Qualifications: 17+ years of age, valid driver’s license; access to a computer; comfortable researching stores, products and deals online.

    Desired Qualities: self-starter; confident making decisions independently; familiar with a variety of stores and their products and specialties; interested in following participants’ unique vision for their projects; excellent listener and communicator; completely trustworthy in dealing with money.

    Orientation & Training: phone and in-person conversations; reference check; 1-hour orientation; shadowing Executive Director or Regional Director at 2+ meetings with participants.

  • Purpose: to connect us with 1) community organizations our participants’ projects can serve and/or 2) local business partners for sponsorships, discounts, in-kind support or employee volunteers.

    Duties & Responsibilities: may include phone calls, emails, online research or in-person meetings; communicate regularly with ED, RD and/or Project Mentors.

    Time requirements: 1+ hour per week.

    Skills and Qualifications: desire to learn more about local organizations and businesses; 21+ years of age; strong communication skills; valid driver’s license; access to a computer; comfortable researching organizations and businesses online.

    Desired Qualities: self-starter; comfortable talking to new people; respectful and friendly in dealing with all types of people and organizations; interested in following participants’ unique vision for their projects; excellent listener and communicator.

    Orientation & Training: phone and in-person conversations; reference check; 1-hour orientation; shadowing Executive Director or Regional Director at 2+ meetings with participants.

  • Purpose: to work directly with participants to guide them through carrying out their projects from start to finish.

    Duties & Responsibilities: coordinate with schools, after-school programs, service sites and families to meet and work with participants on their projects; communicate regularly with AP staff; acquire materials and connect with community partners (may include collaborating with Project Shopper and Community Connector volunteers); provide a fun, relaxed environment that keeps the participants excited and in the leadership role.

    Time requirements: 1-2 hours per week for 3 months or duration of project.

    Skills and Qualifications: 21+ years of age; must have valid driver’s license; reference checks; background/CORI/SORI checks.

    Desired Qualities: likes to work with and empower children; some experience interacting with children; patient; organized; excellent listener and communicator; fun, friendly, enthusiastic and positive; treats children and adults with respect (e.g., does not “talk down” to children); flexible; can accept imperfection, delays, changes and definitions of “success” from the participants’ perspectives; strives to meet participants where they’re at individually and does not expect the same outcomes from every child; values each participant and his/her unique ideas, personality and interests; pays attention to what excites and motivates the grantees.

    Orientation & Training: phone and in-person conversations; reference check; 1-hour orientation; shadowing Executive Director or Regional Director for several meetings with participants and several project events.

  • Purpose: to raise awareness about Aaron’s Presents through presentations and recruitment or fundraising events.

    Duties & Responsibilities: speak about their completed project and overall experience with AP, and interact with other adults and kids in a way that positively reflects the values and mission of Aaron’s Presents.

    Time requirements: 1-3 hours per event.

    Skills and Qualifications: previous participant, including those beyond 8th grade; willingness to speak to small or large groups.

    Orientation & Training: depends on event or venue he or she will be speaking at, and the purpose of the engagement.

  • We would always welcome support in the following areas as well:

    –Administrative (database, mailings, organization)


    –Graphic Design of marketing materials

    –Social Media

    –Website & SEO

Please note that most of our current work is in the Merrimack Valley and North Shore regions.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please fill out our brief application. We will get back to you very quickly to set up a time to talk and answer any questions you have. As always, please feel free to contact us directly by email or (978) 809-5487! We look forward to hearing from you!